Halloween is here, and you are busting out a witch’s cauldron and preparing to fill it with delicious goodies. But in-between hanging up spider’s webs and playing spooky sounds, you may wonder if there are better alternatives to giving children cavity-causing sweets. Here are some suggestions for you to use, from the best type of candy for teeth to even... read more »
The tongue can grow hair? Not necessarily. Hairy tongue is a condition where an abnormal, fur-like coating develops on the surface of the tongue. Though this condition is harmless, some of us would prefer hair growth to stay on our head. Here are the causes of this condition and how it can be treated. Causes For Hairy Tongue: Rapunzel Never... read more »
It’s normal to get anxious about dental work. In fact, the Depart of Health and Human Services reported that 4.3 percent of Americans don’t go to the dentist because they are so afraid. Many of these fears tend to come from assumptions based upon myths society creates because there is so much uncertainty surrounding dentistry. In reality, there’s nothing to... read more »
You’ve heard of how plaque can damage your teeth if you don’t brush them regularly. But do you know the details about what plaque is, what it does, and how to stop it? What Is Plaque? Plaque is a sticky, colorless film of bacteria that forms on your teeth and can’t be rinsed away with water. Plaque bacteria feeds off... read more »
Sharks can lose about 20 teeth each week, which is shocking but not surprising, since they’ve been known to chomp down on just about anything, from glass bottles to license plates to tires. While a shark’s undiscerning diet can be problematic for its digestive system, it’s not an issue for its teeth because it has so many extras. Marine biologist... read more »