A consistent oral hygiene regimen is necessary for maintaining healthy teeth and gums throughout your life. It involves brushing your teeth twice each day with a fluoride toothpaste, as well as remembering to thoroughly floss between your teeth and along the gumline at least once a day. Our dentist notes that you also need to remember to clean the spaces... read more »
Enhancing your smile with tooth replacements is essential. The longer you wait to replace missing teeth the more damage that can occur. This is because missing teeth can lead to a downturn in oral hygiene and can even make your mouth look older and can cause your jaw bone to weaken. To keep your smile strong, a complete set of... read more »
We encourage you to take steps now to protect your oral health, and this includes knowing how to treat dental emergencies in a prompt and efficient manner. We offer tips on treatment for common dental emergencies so that you can prevent unnecessary damage to your smile. Bitten Oral Tissue It’s easy to end up biting your tongue, lips, or gums... read more »
Fixing your smile is a great way to ensure oral health happiness. One particularly effective way to keep your smile safe from future decay is through dental fillings. Dental fillings are highly effective tooth restorations that are designed to restore the normal functions of your tooth by filling in any cavities that may have occurred. If you need a dental... read more »
Do you ever wonder why it’s recommended to visit your dentist every six months for a routine dental cleaning and exam? If so, our dentist, Dr. Todd Eder, would be happy to tell you why. Dental checkups are vital for your oral health and smile. They have many benefits that can help you. To elaborate, he will be happy to... read more »
You may be asking yourself this question if your tooth is severely damaged and can no longer sustain its function. There are several factors to consider when choosing whether to have a tooth removed. Ask yourself these questions to help in making your decision. First, is it absolutely necessary or can a crown help save it, or even possibly a... read more »
Were you aware that October is National Dental Hygiene Month? Fall is the perfect time to review your oral health strategy for the year, with all the renewed energy this time of year ushers in. Today, our dental team at Brownsburg Family Dental Care has some tips for your smile about how to promote good oral health for you and... read more »
If you find yourself or perhaps your family preparing for an upcoming holiday vacation, you may find these tips helpful for keeping your teeth healthy in Brownsburg, Indiana: • Visit Brownsburg Family Dental Care for a checkup and maybe a cleaning, if you are close to needing one or will be gone when your checkups are normally scheduled. • Be... read more »
The American Dental Association was created to help advise the consumer on the various elements of maintaining a healthy mouth. This includes a series of ADA recommendations and guidelines to help prevent problems with cavities and periodontal health complications. One of the most important recommendations calls for brushing your teeth twice and flossing at least once each day. This daily... read more »
One of the biggest issues with aging is the effect it has on our bodies. As we age, so too do our limbs, organs, hair, and smile. We often believe our teeth are immune to the effects of age, but they will begin to wear down and deteriorate as we get older. Fortunately, if you take diligent care of them... read more »